Are you itching to get away this winter? No matter where you’re from, once the holidays end, the winter season can feel stagnant and boring, for lack of a better term. One of the best ways to cure this seasonal boredom is planning a trip that you can look forward to. The only thing better […]
Five Tips On How To Use Email Marketing In Tourism
With thousands if not millions of marketing emails sent out every day relating to travel and tourism, how do you make sure yours stands out and doesn’t get relegated to the spam folder? We take a look at five email tips to get your email noticed and more importantly, acted upon. If you’ve been struggling […]
5 Things to Note When Planning for Your Trip to Serbia
Travefy Announces New Partnership With Classic Vacations To Increase Travel Agent Efficiency and Productivity

Travefy – the leading itinerary management and client communication tool for Travel Agents – announced a new partnership and integration with Classic Vacations. Through this integration, Travel Agents can directly import all customer bookings from Classic Vacations onto any Travefy itinerary. A Travel Agent simply authenticates their Classic Vacations account on the Travefy Pro platform. […]
New Feature: Impress Clients with City Guides!
We strive to simplify the Travel Agent workflow and the release of the new City Guides features aims to do just that. With over 600 new City Guides and destination content from ArrivalGuides, this is a key feature that will help our users save time, simplify their workflow, and impress their clients. We are […]
The Main Color Of Travel
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmodtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmodtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
15 Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Travel
Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About Coffee
Sed laoreet fermentum nulla. Cras egestas condimentum rutrum. Sed congue dapibus tincidunt. Cras id nibh vel tortor vestibulum eleifend in ut magna. Curabitur sagittis libero a ante mattis, ac condimentum quam pretium. Nullam et scelerisque lacus. Cras consectetur, tellus eget dictum consequat, turpis enim gravida arcu, non mollis dui enim in tortor. Nunc varius sodales […]
The Miracle Of Coffee
Seven Preparations You Should Make Before Using Travel
Donec imperdiet tempor lacus, vitae faucibus odio convallis a. Cras est ipsum, finibus at gravida a, dignissim at nunc. Aliquam a lacus non urna tincidunt rhoncus. Phasellus aliquam felis tellus, in consequat magna dictum ac. Morbi ac facilisis orci, vel auctor turpis. Integer consequat dictum nisl, sed vestibulum turpis hendrerit non. Fusce interdum pulvinar sem […]
All You Need To Know About Travel
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla laoreet bibendum tortor. Duis sodales tempor lacus non facilisis. Sed molestie viverra diam quis vehicula. Sed sit amet lacus vitae nunc efficitur facilisis vel non erat. Vivamus ligula magna, accumsan in posuere scelerisque, tincidunt eget dolor. Nullam turpis nunc, imperdiet sed hendrerit eget, laoreet et neque. […]