How To Use Social Media to Grow Your Travel Business

Traveling is the newest obsession our generation is catching up on. There are extremely good reasons for it, I will come to them soon. Our generation is extremely ambitious, fussy and competitive. The chaos eventually gets into our nerves and the soul starts wandering. Travelling to new locations and meeting new people feels like living a new life altogether. It allows you to be part of 2 diverse lives at the same time, now that’s a fantasy people enjoy.

Travel businesses have become more mainstream than they were just a couple of decades ago. Gone are the days when people traveled to only a selected few tourist destinations. People are travelling to locations that are not even accessible by rail, road or flights. It’s the adventure that excites this generation. This is the exact reason why travel business has become extremely profitable. This is an industry that’s hard to die anytime soon. Luring travel clients to your brand or business has become of extreme importance.

Social media is one of the prominent reasons why travel has become so popular lately, apart from the digital era uprising. It has made it possible for people to see experiences of people and check locations before making decisions. It has made communication much easier. To put it in simpler terms, social media has made the whole world its oyster.

Here are some ways one can use social media to grow a travel business.

Make Efficient Use of Facebook

This is probably the most reliable or the most popular mediums for social engagement. The audience or the ideal user could be from any walk of life, any gender, age or nationality. If you have time to make available for social media apart from the travel business, is the best. The reason is, your ideal audience is already here in the same marketplace. However, they are being targeted at by other brands who are potentially your competitors. Each of them is trying to get the attention of the audience. So how do you get noticed and remembered in the crowd?  It largely depends on the connection you make with your audience. It could be with the pictures you post; the stories or the travel content you write or how well you interact with them. Here are some musts when you are branding your travel business on Facebook.

  • Posting inspiring pictures of locations, you have visited will instigate the wish to travel among your audience.
  • Make sure you are an unbiased source of travel information for your audience.
  • Get to know what your audience wants closely, it’s easier to cater to them when you know their needs.
  • Make use of Facebook ads to attract the right kind of customers to your travel offers.

Make Use of Twitters Fast Speed

The most prominent feature of Twitter is how crisp and fast it is. You don’t always have to write longer content to gain attention. Twitter allows you to write clearer and straight messages than other platforms. This works well for audiences who do not have the time or patience to read large pieces of content. The limited character limit works like a blessing in disguise when you are trend spotting or requesting service. Here are some musts for branding your travel business on Twitter.

  • You can share useful links to articles, white papers, journals or videos that explain about your business and is of value to your audience. This will help you establish yourself as an authority on Klout.
  • Grow your community and make contacts with prospective clients, suppliers and agencies.
  • Twitter is more about conversations than promotional marketing. Keep the later lesser than the former.
  • Attaching a photo and a hashtag that is relevant will improve your chances by multiple folds. This looks more relateable and is easily found, making the post more visible to the right people. 

Let Your Instagram Game Speak For You

This is the platform that allows you to provide a very ritualistic presentation of your brand. This is the kind of marketplace where people usually come looking for pretty pictures. Putting attractive pictures that put up a narration for themselves should be your aim in this platform. The whole idea is to make it irresistible for the viewer to want to come to visit the same location. Surveys have suggested travelers depend on this platform before making travel decisions. Musts when you are promoting a travel brand on Instagram.

  • Never ever post blurry or downloaded pictures, it’s a serious turn-off. It can do the opposite of what you have in mind, push away your audience.
  • Tell your complete story, be transparent and also encourage your audience to ask questions about your journey. Make use of IG stories to do the same.
  • Using the right hashtags is a must. Look out online for the hashtags that are doing the best today, in your genre. Make use of those hashtags to be ranked well.
  • Invest time in scheduling your posts, so that you don’t have to worry each time you have a post to make. You can just click a few each time and a post goes live timely. This will help you be consistent in your postings too.

There are newer platforms on social media that keep coming up each second day. You will have to stay aware of them and align them with your audience needs. This is the only way to take your travel brand to a greater level.

Author Bio:

Bronte Price is Australia’s First Certified Gay Wedding Celebrant. He stands strongly for marriage equality and takes immense pleasure in marrying couples in love. Bronte has also co-founded The Equality Network to help wedding suppliers create a better wedding experience for LGBTI couples. He is a regular volunteer newsreader at Joy 94.9, and a member of GLOBE (Gay and Lesbian Organization for Business and Enterprise). Beyond this, you will find him either in his organic backyard vegetable garden or taking walks with his fiance Clint and their four legged fur baby – Bingo.

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