Smart Tips to Travel with Young Children

Children are joyful and fun to be around. Yet not so fun when they are whining and throwing tantrums over small matters. Since you want to make the most of your travel plans, you don’t want your kids to get in the way of making exciting memories.  Nobody knows your children better than you. Parents always have to be two steps ahead of their children when it comes to disciplining them. I hope you’re ready to learn all the tips and tricks to get your children to have more fun and whine less during your precious vacations!

1. Discuss Family Preferences

Before you start traveling, involve your little kids to express their preferences about where they want to go, what sort of residence they want, what kind of food appeals to them and what type of entertainment facilities are they expecting.

Kids can be quite grumpy when they don’t get their way. Their mood swings can ruin your trip too. So get some colorful crayons and art paper to draw out their preferences for the trip.

2. Research

Research about the countries or cities you’ll be visiting. You can take help of travel agents or just use Google services to know more about your destination.

You can check the climate, weekly temperature, breastfeeding in public policies, common types of diseases in the area, sort of food available and so on. With kids tagging along, you need to be more careful because they have specific needs.

3. Pack Wisely

Don’t pack too many things since you have your kids with you. You don’t have to take more than the bare essentials.

You can fill small clothes, such as socks, handkerchiefs, face towels and inner wears inside shoes and boxes. Pack medicines, nail equipment, rubber bands, earrings, hair clips and stationary inside empty chocolate boxes and containers.

Let your kids take part in the packing, so they can learn about traveling and packing skills. This way they’ll learn to understand their needs and also not complain when one of their favorite toys get left behind.

4. Decide on a Travel Budget

Unless you like to spend a lot on travels, it’s okay to keep your expenses to a minimum. You can share this with your kids so they can learn about budgeting at an early age.

You can separate a certain amount of money for them, so they can make purchases of their own choice. They want to enjoy the vacation as much as you.

Budget sensibly for souvenirs, activities, food and personal purchases. You can always find amazing things at an affordable price.

5. Get Involved in Family Activities

It sounds weird, but you can learn a lot about each other while traveling. Even the shortest flight can teach you and your kids a lot about traveling skills, such as how to reduce jet lags, how to stay hydrated, how to spend quality time on the plane and how to greet people in the country you will be traveling to.

You and your kids can have fun and learn about these skills during your journey. If you didn’t get enough time with your kids back home, now is your chance to make up for those lost times.

When you reach your destination, make sure everybody is involved in the activities. Go camping, hiking, snorkeling, cooking, swimming, fishing, and skiing.

Take toys and games from home so that your kids can have something to do when you’re busy. They can be quite intense as you know.

6. It is Better to be Safe Than Sorry

If you’re going to be staying at a hotel or a resort, most likely you won’t have a problem finding essentials such as drinking water, bathing necessities, food, and bathing suits.

However do your research beforehand to confirm whether these items are available where you’ll be staying.

Regardless, always carry a small first aid kit, mineral water, flashlight, phone, emergency contact details, map, and tissues wherever you go. Choose to dress up accordingly, like wearing sneakers and a hat for outdoor activities.

Take sunscreen, moisturizers, and soaps for protection and hygiene. You must carry insect repellants and medicines for viral infections. Feed your kids and finish their toilet business before the flight.

7. Be Open-minded

When you’re traveling to a different country or city, please be mindful of the cultural differences.

You can see something and not like it, but don’t teach your kids to be disrespectful of other cultures. I know many of us are guilty of imposing our own preferences on our kids.

The whole point of traveling is to learn about the world we live in and enjoy the trip. If you do find something different in the area you’re traveling in, appreciate it for its uniqueness and teach your kids to do the same.

Culture shock is a universal phenomenon. Don’t judge too quickly. Things make more sense when you know more about it.

8. Check with a Doctor

Some of us are affected by disruptive diseases on a constant basis. For example, if you are allergic to shellfish, let your servers know on the plane or at the restaurant before ordering food.

Children with allergic problem or asthma need to carry their medication and nebulizers while traveling. Consult with your family physician to confirm if traveling to the destination of your choice is indeed favorable for your kids.

On That Account

In essence, kids are energetic by nature. They want to play a lot and mess up a lot. Kids will be kids.

Before you travel, do a proper research and make wise plans. Pack only the necessities and avoid carrying unnecessary junk.

Also, get your children involved in the planning and packing so they feel like they are a crucial part of the trip. This will ignite a sense of responsibility in them.

Author Bio:

Stepheny is a content writer at FeedFond. She’s a loving mother to her two children and is passionate towards child psychology. To read more of her articles, visit