How to Add Wellness to Your Travel Itinerary

Have you ever heard someone say they need a vacation from their vacation? While travel can be exhilarating, it can be incredibly demanding and exhausting at the same time. If you’re not careful about getting enough rest, eating well, and staying hydrated, it can take a major toll on your health. Here are some of the main things to think about when considering your health and well-being while traveling.

Planning Your Meals

You probably want to try everything while traveling, because experiencing a new culture through food is incredible. But remember to keep it in moderation—over-indulging could mean you leave without fitting into your pants. Before your trip, do some research on the types of dishes available in the area, so you’re generally familiar with the cuisine. This can help you decide what types of restaurants have foods that will meet your preferences. Be sure to ask questions when ordering. If you’re traveling internationally, consider learning a few phrases in the country’s language that can help you navigate any special dietary needs. Also, pack a few snacks from home, so you have familiar foods available in a pinch.

Depending on where you’re going, food safety may also be an issue to consider. Avoid street food when possible and try to eat at established restaurants. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be problematic in certain places, as they’re not always washed correctly and can harbor bacteria. Make sure that meat, particularly chicken, is well-cooked. Before you leave, research if the water is safe to drink. If it’s not, drink only bottled water and avoid beverages with ice, which can be made with unfiltered water.

Fitting in Exercise

Staying active when traveling can be easy and fun. There’s nothing better than exploring a new city or nature area on foot. If you’re taking a “relaxation” vacation where you plan on sitting on a beach chair with a cocktail most of the time, consider adding in a few active excursions. Try a sunrise hike to a local waterfall or some paddle boarding. Also, most resorts have gyms, so you can make it a priority to start your day with a little exercise and earn those umbrella drinks!

Getting Enough Rest

Depending on where you’re traveling, jet lag can really impact your enjoyment. Try to rest before you leave for your trip and get rest on the plane, if possible. Avoid alcohol on the trip, which can contribute to dehydration and fatigue. Once you arrive, try to get back on a normal schedule as soon as you can. Try to go to bed at a reasonable hour in the evening. While you’re enjoying your trip, schedule in some rest time. Don’t fill every day with activities that will burn you out.

Keeping Skin Healthy

Traveling can really impact your skin. Airplanes can cause your skin to dry out from the dehydration. Be sure to start off your trip drinking plenty of water when you’re in the air. Once you arrive, remember to stay hydrated (make it bottled water, if necessary!). Consider setting a water goal for the day and always carry water with you. Bring your favorite moisturizer and apply regularly to keep the skin hydrated.

Also, be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen and apply regularly. If you’re exploring outdoors, wear a hat and appropriate clothing to keep your skin protected.  With a little preparation and research, you can enjoy your trip and stay healthy at the same time.

Author Bio:

Ana Reisdorf is a registered dietician and writer for Walgreens who enjoys sharing her expertise to help readers live a healthier lifestyle, wherever they go. You can find all the skincare must-haves for a healthy trip, including face moisturizer, at