NYC Ultimate Tourist Trip

Now if you’ve never been to New York City and you find yourself wanting to plan a trip there take our advice when we say, you’re definitely going to want to hit all the major tourist spots. Even though it feels like you’ve basically already been there because you see pictures and stories of them all the time seeing them is a whole different story.

We aren’t saying that every single tourist attraction will blow your mind because everyone is different. But being able to say that you’ve actually been there and seen it right in front of you is something you definitely won’t regret. Plus, it could turn into a great story to tell later and a good way to impress that special someone. If you catch the drift.

Not to mention the biggest place you’ll fit in as a tourist is with well, other tourists of course! The thing is we definitely recommend taking the general tourist tour of the Big Apple at least once in your life because we guarantee you’ll regret it if you never do. So grab yourself an ‘I Heart NY’ and let your touristy heart fly!