With Halloween quickly approaching, we can’t seem to stop seeing pumpkins, scary movies on every other channel, and candy galore everywhere we turn. In true travel spirit, we researched some of the most haunting, cringe-worth destinations you can find that will deliver quite the scare. Visit these places…if you dare. Island of the Dolls – […]
The Scariest Rides and Attractions in Las Vegas
People flock to Vegas for all manner of thrill seeking, whether it’s playing Blackjack in a casino, or clutching onto the handrails of a roller coaster. Vegas offers it all! Las Vegas is a big kid’s playground and is home to some of the best fairground attractions and roller coaster rides in the world, so […]
7 Classic Horror Movie Locations to Haunt
Halloween is the perfect excuse to load on popcorn, sit on the couch, and start a horror telethon. But wouldn’t it be great to go a step further, and truly immerse yourself in the world of your favorite flick? It turns out you can — well, sort of. From Mike Myers first murder scene, to […]
Toil and Trouble: Four Real Life Witches
Though ghosts, vampires, and zombies may also be synonymous with Halloween, no supernatural entity has had quite the effect on society as the witch. While it’s pretty simple to prove you’re not a member of the undead, those accused of witchcraft had no true way to prove they were not a witch – leading to […]
Four Haunted Historical Sites to Explore This Fall
Much like a supposed haunting, history can reveal itself in bits and pieces — sometimes answering questions, sometimes raising more. A penchant for ghostly sites generally goes hand-in-hand with an enthrallment with history and the unknown, and these four haunted historical sites combine both the puzzles of history and the supernatural. Step into these sites, […]
5 Hot Travel-Themed Halloween Costumes
Here comes the only time of year it is OK to live your cosplay fantasy without being labeled a geek, or worse, a freak! While Halloween has always been about ghouls and ghosts, it’s always okay to add a little pop culture twist. Regardless of whether your travels are taking you to an extravagant costume […]
Five Cemeteries to Visit
Though cemeteries may not top the standard travel itinerary, they offer an awesome cross-section of history, sociology, and a bit of a creepy factor. It doesn’t have to be Halloween to consider adding a cemetery to your travel plans, but a time originally dedicated to the remembrance of the dead does offer a perfect opportunity […]
Top 3 Scariest Destinations For Halloween
Halloween is more than a costume or trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. It’s about giving into fright fever, from eerie decorations to horror movie nights. Travelers and adventurers push the craze a little further to visit haunted houses, abandoned prisons, decrepit theme parks, and more. If you are a chill-seeker looking for an exciting travel, we […]